Cool Optical Illusions & Visual Effects

Cool Optical Illusions & Visual Effects

Do you always recognize what an image, picture or drawing is at first glance?

Do your eyes play tricks on your brain or the other way around?

Check out the following gallery of images, pictures and drawings collected from cyberspace and see how many of them you can easily figure out. You’ll need to take a good long look at most of them to answer the questions.

Just for the record….. An optical illusion is defined as…

“An optical illusion is any illusion that deceives the human visual system into perceiving something that is not present or incorrectly perceiving what is present.”

PS — Some of the following images in the gallery below maybe considered rather bizarre, freaky or even scary to some of you viewers out there —

So —- With that being stated —- You have been warned!! 😛  Enjoy!

How many faces can you spot in this image?

Take a close look here – How many wolves can you find in this drawing?

How many eyes and faces can you find?

Are you staring at your own reflection or deep into someone’s soul?

Look very carefully — Do you really see a face? — How many animals can you find within this illusion?

Are you really looking at a face or portrait? – How many hands can you find?

How many horses can you locate in this beautiful drawing of a forest scene? More than 4?

Do you think her eyes are opened or closed? — Take a good look — Would you believe she had her closed eyes tatooed as if they were open? — Very trippy!

Take a good look at this illusion – Do you actually see a profile of a human face or a collage of animals? How many can you count?

Do you see this illusion as a simple handprint or a lion?

Dual images – Are you looking at an evil looking face or a standing woman ?

What do you really see here? Ninjas? Tigers? Something else? How many are there?

What do you see in this image? A skull? A Cave? Ghosts? People? How many can you find?

How many hidden faces and/or bodies can you find?

Can you calculate how many cats you can find in this illusion? Can you locate more than 7 cats?

Can you figure out if this tower structure is mutiple levels?

Take a close look at these images – Do you see a closed fist puching through a brick wall or a mother holding her baby close?

The ultimate transformation

And here is one last challenge for you…..

Can you figure out what is unusual about

this family picture?

(Hint:  Allow about 15 -30 seconds before moving on)


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