How To Get A Real Human On The Phone When You Need Customer Service

Have you ever gotten so upset or frustrated when you need help regarding a billing matter, tech support, or another service related problem and all you get are automated messages, voice prompts, or seemingly endless wait time by not being able to get a hold of a real living, breathing, LIVE human voice, such as a customer service representative or (better yet) a supervisor?

Tired of having to deal with a voice activated computer or being lead around in circles by voice prompts, none of which pertain to the reason why you called in the first place?

There are a couple of very helpful websites out there that may be able to help you out and get you through all that red tape a lot easier or quicker. It’s absolutely ridiculous to have to go through a dozen or more voice prompts just to get through to a representative that MIGHT be able to help!

GetHuman and Get2Human are two websites dedicated to telling frustrated consumers the right buttons to push on a telephone to reach a human in the customer service department at hundreds of companies.

Check them out using these 2 links below…..

PS – I absolutely love this Translation Interpretation Guide to messages that the automated phone systems generate. Check this out here.

Continue reading more on this situation as well as solutions on a previous post I made on this site by clicking below …..