Catchphrases, Expressions & Slogans of the 50’s – 60’s – 70’s – 80’s

peace_sign_rainbow_300Here you will find a large assortment of the best known (or long forgotten) slogans, jargons, catchphrases and expressions of the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties (and a few into the 90’s). Some came from TV shows and commercials. Some are actually symbols or hand gestures. Most were passing fads of  long lost pop culture. A select few even actually stuck around or came back after skipping a generation. They were likely, but not limited, to be found on T-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, buttons, plackards – or doodled on schosmiley-faceol book covers, bedroom doors, closets, walls, high school yearbooks, etc…..I’m sure you get the idea. See how many of these you remember. There are probably a few more that you can think of ….. as I’m sure these will bring back memories of school days, summer fun, bored minds and mischievous adventures. Enjoy!! 🙂

* Check out more catchphrases, taglines, jingles , slogans and mascots from Television’s glorious past. The links are at the end of this posting. Simply scroll down and click!

  1. Flower power
  2. Have a nice day
  3. I’m with stupid –>
  4. Sit on it!keep_on_truckin'
  5. Sit on a happy face
  6. Up your nose with a rubber hose
  7. Kiss my grits
  8. Bag your face
  9. Keep on truckin’
  10. Keep on keepin’ on
  11. Let’s boogie
  12. Sock it to mesitonitfonzbutton
  13. Disco sucks
  14. Easy does it
  15. Try it – You’ll like it
  16. Let it all hang out
  17. Hang ten
  18. What’s your sign?
  19. It’s your thang
  20. You’ve come a long way, baby
  21. Here comes da judgebaby_on_board
  22. Good grief
  23. The devil made me do it
  24. What you see is what you get
  25. Black is beautiful
  26. Black power
  27. Power to the people
  28. Right On!
  29. Rock On!
  30. Far out man
  31. Outta sight!
  32. Rad!PeaceNotWarSmallLogo
  33. That was totally rad!
  34. That was radical, man!
  35. Cool Daddy-O!
  36. Dy-no-mite!!
  37. Shazzam!
  38. Bodacious
  39. Totally rad!
  40. Gnarly Dude!
  41. Funky
  42. Kewl!
  43. Chillhang_ten_hand_sign
  44. Fab
  45. Bitchin’
  46. Groovy
  47. Feelin’ groovy
  48. Psyche!
  49. Psychadelic
  50. Bummer
  51. Mellow out!
  52. Hang in there babyamerica_love_it_or_leave_it
  53. Butterflies are free
  54. To know me is to love me
  55. God is dead
  56. Jesus is coming
  57. Jesus is coming and boy is he going to be pissed
  58. Honk if you love Jesus
  59. Jesus savesmork_and_mindy
  60. Save the whales
  61. Save water – shower with a friend
  62. Save a tree – eat a beaver
  63. Real people wear fake furs
  64. Express yourself
  65. Peace out
  66. Think peace!
  67. Give peace a chance
  68. Make love, not wargive_a_hoot_owl
  69. Make babies, not bombs
  70. One nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day
  71. Ban the bomb
  72. War is not healthy for children and other living things
  73. Suppose they gave a war and nobody came
  74. Draft beer, not boys
  75. POW/MIA – You are not forgotten
  76. Don’t trust anyone over 30
  77. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns
  78. America – Love it or leave itwheresthebeef
  79. American and proud of it
  80. Keep America beautiful
  81. Give a hoot – don’t pollute
  82. Whip inflation Now [WIN]
  83. I am not a crook
  84. Eat beans – America needs the gas
  85. Get your shit together
  86. Question authority
  87. I’m OK – You’re so-so
  88. Today is the first day of the rest of your life
  89. It’s about time, it’s about space, it’s about time to slap your facespock_livelongandprosper
  90. Nanoo – Nanoo
  91. I can’t believe I ate the whole thing
  92. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is
  93. Where’s the beef?
  94. Live long and prosper
  95. May the force be with you
  96. Beam me up Scotty – There’s no intelligent life here
  97. Virginia is for lovers
  98. Love means never having to say you’re sorrymaytheforcebewithyou
  99. TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)
  100. You look mahvelous
  101. Well, isn’t that special
  102. No soup for you
  103. Homey don’t play that!
  104. How sweet it it!
  105. Stifle!
  106. Shit happens
  107. Eat shit and dieNo Soup For You
  108. Take it easy
  109. Peace, love, dove
  110. Catch a wave
  111. Life’s a beach
  112. Life’s a bitch and then you die!
  113. Take this job and shove it
  114. Love thy neighbor – but don’t get caught
  115. Love is the answer … what was the question?archiebunker_stifle
  116. Go nekked! (naked)sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll
  117. Cure virginity
  118. I’m a virgin (this is a very old shirt)
  119. If this van’s a rockin’ – don’t bother knockin’
  120. Smile if you’re horny
  121. If it feels good – Do it
  122. Let’s get it on
  123. Turn me on
  124. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll
  125. Let’s get wasted
  126. Party hardy
  127. Suck face
  128. We’re movin’ on upcan_you_dig_it
  129. Born to be wild
  130. Live fast – Die young
  131. Can you dig it?
  132. Go with the flow
  133. Kick out the jams
  134. Cruisin’ for a bruisin’
  135. Phony Baloney
  136. No duh!
  137. Freak out
  138. Freak-me-out
  139. Soulbrother
  140. A friend with weed is a friend indeedmake-my-day
  141. Where there’s dope, there’s hope
  142. Up against the wall, mutherfucka!
  143. Turn in, turn on, drop out
  144. I get high with a little help from my friends
  145. What goes around comes around
  146. A mind is a terrible thing to waste
  147. If it’s too loud, you’re too old
  148. Cancer cures smoking
  149. Love is a many-gendered thingbart_simpson_don'thaveacowman
  150. Have you hugged your kid today?
  151. Baby on board
  152. Baby in trunk
  153. Nobody on board
  154. Choose life
  155. No intelligent life down here
  156. Read my lips
  157. You talkin’ to me?
  158. Go ahead – Make my day
  159. Don’t have a cow, man
  160. Eat my shortsjustsayno
  161. Just say no
  162. Just do it
  163. Go for it
  164. To the max
  165. Book it!
  166. That’s sick!
  167. Don’t mess with ‘the man’
  168. Boogie on down the road
  169. Born to boogie
  170. Born to shop
  171. A woman’s place is in the mallflower_power_peace
  172. Girl’s just want to have fun
  173. Girl’s just want to have funds
  174. The one who dies with the most toys wins
  175. The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys
  176. Ain’t that a kick in the butt
  177. How YOU doin’?
  178. Greed is good
  179. Wanna drag?
  180. Save an alligator – Shoot a preppy
  181. Die yuppie scumhomework_brain_damage-4851
  182. Who shot JR?
  183. May the force be with you
  184. I brake for unicorns
  185. Feel my wrath
  186. Homework causes brain damage
  187. Make me an offer I can’t refuse
  188. Mean people suck
  189. Hate is not a family value
  190. Visualize world peace
  191. Visualize whirled peas
  192. What’s your tale, nightingale?mean-people-suck
  193. What’s buzzin, cuzzin?
  194. Rattle my cage
  195. Pop the clutch
  196. Party pooper
  197. Paper shaker
  198. Catch some zzzzz’s
  199. No sweat
  200. Meanwhile, back at the ranch
  201. Make the scene
  202. Let’s make out
  203. Made in the shadePacman.svg
  204. Crazy, man, crazy!
  205. Like crazy, like wow!
  206. Let’s get crazy
  207. Lay a patch
  208. Later gator
  209. See ya later alligator
  210. After while crocodile
  211. That’s kookie
  212. How’d ya like a knuckle sandwich
  213. That’s a kick
  214. Let’s haul ass!seeyoulater_alligator
  215. Grody to the max!
  216. Goose it!
  217. Get with it
  218. That’s the bomb!
  219. You dig?
  220. Don’t get all bent out of shape
  221. Don’t get your panties in a bunch
  222. Floor it!
  223. Fire that puppy up!
  224. I got dibs on
  225. Cut it out!
  226. Warm it up
  227. He who smelled it, dealt it
  228. 1, 2, 3, beaver (after someone farted)
  229. Like crazy, man!
  230. I’m cranked!
  231. You got creamed
  232. You’ve got kooties
  233. Cool it!
  234. Feel like I’m on cloud 9deadhead
  235. Classy chassis
  236. He’s a cool cat
  237. Let’s burn rubber
  238. They’re bad news
  239. Boob-tubedeadhead_logo
  240. In your face!
  241. Don’t spaz out
  242. Want not, waste not
  243. Good night, John-boy
  244. Catch you on the flip-side
  245. Feel tha funk
  246. Such a ‘putz’
  247. What it is
  248. What’s up?
  249. Airhead
  250. Awesome Possumcool_beans
  251. Backatcha!
  252. Don’t bogart
  253. Be There or be square
  254. I’m bugged out
  255. That’s so bunk
  256. Buzz Off!
  257. Deadhead
  258. What a long strange trip it’s been
  259. Catch my drift?just-kidding
  260. That’s so cheesy
  261. That was really choice man
  262. That was funkadelic
  263. Choke-n-puke
  264. Just kidding!
  265. Cool beans
  266. Pass the doobie
  267. Who cut the cheese?
  268. Way decent!no_dice
  269. Totally dig those shades, man
  270. What a doofus
  271. What a dork
  272. He’s so dorky
  273. Are you down with it?
  274. No dice!
  275. What a drag!
  276. That’s a drag, man
  277. Faked him out
  278. Having a ‘flash back’
  279. fer shure (for sure)take_it_easy_life_is_short
  280. Just testing
  281. Hey foxy lady
  282. She’s pretty foxy
  283. Foxy mama
  284. The “Fuzz”high5
  285. That was a gas
  286. Gag me with a spoon
  287. What a geek
  288. What a nerd
  289. Gee whizz
  290. That’s messed up!
  291. Get real!
  292. Gimme Five
  293. High 5
  294. Gimme some skinMickey_ThatsSwell
  295. That was gnarly!
  296. Good vibes
  297. That’s gross!
  298. Stoners, jocks and nerds
  299. Hey man, how’s it hangin’?
  300. That’s heavy, man
  301. What’s the skinny?
  302. What’s crackin?
  303. Hubba hubba!
  304. Call ya out!
  305. I’m trippin’
  306. You ain’t got Jack Squat
  307. Jive turkey
  308. You ain’t jivin’, man
  309. Keep it real
  310. Killer diller
  311. Later days
  312. That’s nifty
  313. Let it all hang out
  314. Time to ‘peel out’
  315. Give me the lowdown
  316. No way, Jose!
  317. That’s ‘off the hook’!
  318. She’s a real ‘piece of work’
  319. Pop a wheelie
  320. Quit raggin’ on me!
  321. You got reamed!
  322. Say what?
  323. Shotgun!
  324. Smooth move, exlax!
  325. That’s spiffy!
  326. I’m gonna split
  327. Let’s blow this joint
  328. What a square
  329. I’m stoked!
  330. That was swell!
  331. That was sweeeet!
  332. Take a chill pill!
  333. Ten-four, good buddy!
  334. That’s so tubular, man
  335. That’s tight, man
  336. That’s so wicked!
  337. Tight!
  338. Toke
  339. Totally!
  340. That’s sooo trippy!
  341. That’s unreal, man
  342. That was way cool!
  343. What’s happenin?
  344. Wipeout!
  345. Wowzers!
  346. Yeah, right!
  347. Barf me out
  348. Bite me!
  349. Big time!
  350. Quit buggin’ me
  351. That dude is wiggin’
  352. Wannabe
  353. Damn skippy!
  354. Wherever you go, there you are
  355. Don’t worry ….. Be happy

Added 7/8/09

  1. Verrry Eeen-ter-es-ting (Very Interesting) from Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In on TV
  2. Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls from Laugh-In TV
  3. “One ringy-dingy…two ringy-dingies…” said by Lilly Tomlin on Laugh-In TV
  4. Go To Your Room
  5. You bet your sweet bippy
  6. That’s easy for you to say
  7. And that’s the truth
  8. Ring my chimes
  9. Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere
  10. Same bat time ….. same bat channel from TV’s Batman
  11. To the moon ….. Alice! said by Jackie Gleason from the Honeymooners TV
  12. Bang ….. zoom!

Added 7/20/09

  1. Hot-diggity-dog
  2. Heavens to Betsy
  3. Holy Moly
  4. Whoa Nelly!
  5. Big Whoop!
  6. Whoop-De-Doo!
  7. Yippie!
  8. Yikes!
  9. Eeee Gads!
  10. Wanna chew the fat?
  11. Saved by the bell
  12. Mind your own bees wax!


LINKS for more TV catchphrases, slogans, jingles, expressions and mascots – All of the following links are located within this site you’re viewing now.

If you enjoyed this list of catchphrases, slogans and sayings … you may want to check out my newest posts of some of the most memorable product mascots and icons from TV history as well as a huge list of  TV commercial jingles, slogans and taglines. Some of the catchphrases were derived by some of these advertisements and commercials. Just click on the links below for another trip down memory lane 🙂
