Incredible Hoax Websites For The Gullibly Challenged

Let me start off first by defining exactly what I mean by the words HOAX and GULLIBLE:

HOAX generally means to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous — often meant to be a so-called prank, practical joke or spoof. It can also be defined as an act, document or artifact intended to deceive or defraud.

So that means that these  HOAX websites are basically fake or fictitious web pages — you might even call them funny spoof sites that will try to deceive you or fool you in some way, usually all in good fun — some are more convincing than others — but not necessarily all of them.

A GULLIBLE person can easily be ‘taken in’ or ‘tricked’, ‘deceived’ or ‘duped’. They are considered to be naive and not really alert to danger or deception, largely due to the ‘lack of worldly experience’.

Over the years, a number of enterprising individuals (entrepreneurs) have come up with clever, wacky as well as eye-catching ways to market and/or promote bizarre and unusual gadgets, inventions, behaviors, ideas or maybe try to sell non-existent products to those that would be gullible enough to fall for it. A few may even try to get you to believe in some concept or theory that is non-existent or you haven’t heard before. A number of these are amusing and fun while others are just incredibly lame or stupid. A growing number of new sites tend to pop-up around April 1st… April Fool’s Day. Tons of these sites have come and gone over the years… only to resurface again every so often. However, there are a few that have had “staying power” due to a variety of reasons… viral marketing… unusual promotions… social networking… overwhelming curiosity mixed with too much free time… etc.

People have published some hilarious, bizarre and strange things on the Internet and the world wide web has become a breeding ground for hoaxes. So, with all being said, here you will find some of the more interesting and intriguing sites that I consider among the best I’ve come across on the web.




So kick back and ENJOY the following sites at your own risk 😛

  • Afterlife Telegrams – Terminally ill volunteers will memorize your messages and, upon death, deliver them to your friends and family on the other side
  • Baby Smasher – “Crushing Society’s Untruths” – Discover the true purpose behind “baby changing stations” in restrooms around the world
  • Black People Love Us – Meet Sally & Johnny – They are well-liked by Black people so they’re psyched and need to tell the world – Check out their testimonials! – You can be their friend too!
  • Chrissy Caviar® – “The World’s Most Expensive Luxury Consumable Item” – Human eggs marketed in glass jars create a conceptual art object – Talk about self-promotion
  • Dehydrated Water – “The Healthier Choice!” – Free Samples! – Cool Jobs! – Franchise Opportunities!
  • Dog Island – “Where dogs roam free forever” – Separated from the anxieties of urban life, dogs on Dog Island are healthy dogs who live a natural, healthy and happy life, free from the stress and hardship associated with daily live among humans.
  • End of The Internet – Internet Explorer page explaining that this is the very end of the internet and there is nothing left to do.
  • GenoChoice – Here you can create your own genetically healthy child online!
  • Meet Clyven – The Clever Little Mouse – By implanting human brain cells (that were grown from  stem cells from a human embryo) into a mouse engineered to have Alzheimer’s, the doctors inadvertently make a remarkable and startling discovery — The mouse’s dementia is not only cured but the rodent developed the relative intelligence of a human’s being!
  • University of Nigeria – World Leaders of Ethical Business Studies as well as the Creators of Advanced Fee Methodology
  • Zombie Attack @ Hierakonpolis – Weighing the evidence for and the dating of “Solanum Virus” outbreaks in early Egypt – This one actually comes across as credible!

A Video Retrospect: Never A Year Like 2009

A fitting way to start off the new year is a humorous look at the year we just made it through. With all it’s highlights as well as “low-lights” – seemed to be a lot more “downers” this past year than upbeat  events and happenings – or at least it sure felt that way – it’s all summed up in this fitting two-minute or so original video. The folks over at JibJab really know how to bring it all together or sum things up in a classic, cool  and often hilarious way. They’ve been doing this for a better part of this past decade – (since 1999 to be exact). Also lots of other fun and interesting things to check out while you’re there – you can even make your very own “sendable ecard” greetings for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baby showers, retirement, holidays, congratulations, get well,  good luck, and other special occasions starring you, your friends, your family,  etc. I’ve also included a number of previous original JibJab videos here (on this website) in my VodPod Video Feature located in the left sidebar . (You’ll probably need to scroll down a little to view them in the left column).

Several links are provided below for easy access.

Enjoy ’em and pass ’em on to your family and friends. 🙂

"Never A Year Like 2009" - An Original JibJab Video

Please Note > You’ll probably need to watch this a few times to fully understand and appreciate what it  portrayed here as it moves along quite fast….. all put to the tune of Marvin Hamlisch’s classic masterpiece, “The Entertainer” from 1974. You can even take a look behind the scenes as to how it was made by clicking here at the Behind the Scenes blog. A truly funny and original production.

Here are additional JibJab Links as featured in the article above:

JibJab Website

“Never A Year Like 2009” – An Original JibJab Production

JibJab Sendables – eCards For Special Occasions

JibJab Everyday Fun – Animations Starring You

JibJab Original Video Archive

JibJab History – How It All Began

JibJab Blog Link


Best Times To Get Things Done

Your Guide for the Best Times To Do Stuff or Get Things Done

For many the early morning is the best time of day to get things accomplished and if you set a routine, it sure makes things easier. The quiet of the day helps create a pleasant environment. This is especially true for chores around the house, personal exercise and hygiene, menial tasks, and even for small nearby errands such as post office, bank, cleaners, a quick trip to the store, etc.

Now, as far as other times for the rest of the day go, here is a basic guide that may help you minimize your wait time to get other things done. Now I’m sure that, on occasion, there will be extenuating circumstances that won’t allow you to follow some of these suggestions, but let this serve simply as a helpful guide.

Best Time of Day to Get a Prescription Filled –

pharmacist-giving-prescription-clipartYour best bet for the shortest wait time is usually late morning between 10 am and noon. Most pharmacies are usually very busy when they first open, as well as during the  lunch hour. Then again there is a longer wait in the late afternoon, after 4 pm, until closing time.


Best Time of Day to Get an Oil Change –

oil-change-car-on-rackYour best bet here is just before closing time, especially if you’re going to a regional or national oil change outlet location. Why? Earlier in the day, when they have more time, they will give you car a quick look and recommend a variety of repairs or replacement parts that is one of their goals — to ‘upsell’ you. At the end of the day, they are more likely to just get the oil change done and send you on your way.


Best Time of Day to Go to the DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) –

dmv-family-guySimply think M-I-D-D-L-E ….. It’s all about the middle. For the least amount of time waiting, head to the DMV in the middle of the month, middle of the week and either mid-morning or mid-afternoon. It might also save you substantial time if you are able to schedule an appointment in advance.


Best Time of Day to Buy Shoes –

Shoe Salesman Helping a Senior Woman Try on Shoes in a Shoe Store ClipartIn this case, go in the late afternoon. The reason being that your feet will have swollen to their largest size of the day – that way you can find a shoe that isn’t too tight when the later part of the day comes around.


Best Day of the Week to Exercise –

after-exerciseMonday….. because it sets the psychological tone for the rest of the week. People who work out on Mondays are usually more likely to exercise the rest of the week. Also, the early morning hours are best for your daily routine as it gears you up for the rest of the day.


Best Time of Day to Have Your Picture Taken –

photographerLate morning or early afternoon when the puffiness from your face and/or head is gone from the previous night’s sleep and fatigue of the day hasn’t had a chance to kick in yet.


Best Time to Fly –

airplane-with-peopleAround the lunch hour … noon-ish — You’ll avoid the biggest crowds and the rush of business people during workday commutes. Best day of the week: Saturday. There are fewer flights, shorter lines, less hassle and flights are more likely to be on time.


Best Day of the Week to Eat Dinner Out –

restaurant-dining-family-clipartTuesday. Restaurants usually don’t get deliveries of fresh foods over the weekend and many are closed on Mondays. Therefore, fresh food is typically delivered on Tuesday, which also happens to be a day when fewer people eat out.


Best Day of the Week to Ask for a Raise –

asking-for-raise-clipartThursday or Friday. People are more open to negotiation on those days because they want to finish their workweek with a minimum of conflict. Also, be sure to avoid Wednesday. That’s when tensions tend to peak.


Best of The Web

globe_in_flat_screen_monitorThe “Ultimate Web Resource Directory”, which really lists the BEST-OF-THE-WEB, listed below was recently posted here, covering over 200 different entries on various topics – focusing on several highly searched subject matter such as health issues, nutrition, insurance, real estate, automotive, childcare, school-related, product safety, online services, food, weight loss, exercise, swine flu, travel, events, coupons, recipes, schools, saving money, going green, cutting back on household costs, and the list goes on. and on. There really is something for everyone. Check It Out!

You might even want to bookmark this one or print it out for future light bulb-1

Lots of FREE information located within this directory that could save you plenty of money, lots of time, and probably some stress too!

This links to another post within this blog you’re browsing now…
