Emergency & Survival Preparation Guide



SURVIVAL Preparation Tips

How To Prepare Your Own Emergency Survival Kit



Are You Prepared?

Fire Prevention & Safety Tips

How Much Do You Really Know About Earthquakes?

How To Prepare Your Own Emergency Survival Kit

Steps You Can Take To Be Fire Safe At Home

Wildfire Dangers: What You Can Do To Reduce The Risk


Home Fire Prevention & Safety Tips

Fire safety and knowing what to do ahead of time can make all the difference in the world. Below you will find a handy reminder of Home Fire Prevention and Safety Tips and what you should do to help eliminate fire hazards as well as what to do in the event that a fire does breaks out:



Additional related posts about fire safety and preparation:


Wildfire Dangers: What You Can Do To Reduce The Risk

With temperatures on the rise once more, one thing becomes abundantly clear to those living in (dry, wooded, open-ridge gusty wind areas) fire-prone areas, especially in California and the other Western States —> Wildfire season isn’t limited to just summer and fall any more.  We’ve all seen in the news (even more-so over the last several years) the damage and devastation caused by wildfires – many caused by lightning strikes – but even more caused by human carelessness – including but not limited to campfires, fireworks, automotive, lawnmowers, dry timber and brush around homes and wooden structures, improper storage of flammable  substances, etc. Homeowners need to be ever vigilant and need to take simple steps to protect their homes and neighborhoods against wildfires.

Basic Steps YOU Can Take AHEAD of Time

  • Check the area around your home for any fire hazards. Place woodpiles and propane tanks at least 30 feet away from the home. Cover chimneys or stovepipe outlets with a non-flammable screen of 1/2 inch or smaller mesh.
  • Clear the space around your home. Clear brush areas from 100 to 200 feet (500 feet on sheer slopes is recommended as flames will shoot up faster). This can reduce the risk of fire by 50 percent. It will also provide room for firefighters to battle the blaze. Also be sure to remove dead leaves and brush from around your home and on the roof and gutters on a regular basis.
  • Landscape the area around your home with fire-resistant plants. For example, ice plants or citrus trees withstand high temperatures and do not support open flames when ignited. Consult a nursery or your local fire department about all types of fire-retardant plans. Also place native shrubs and trees at least 10 feet apart, and prune branches on trees taller than 18 feet within six feet of the ground.
  • Use non-combustible building materials. A non-combustible or fire-resistant shingle roof can prevent against flaming wood shingles or other debris carried by the wind. Also seal the eaves under your roof to prevent flying embers from lodging on your home. Decking should be concrete, tile or protected with fire-resistant coating. Install fire-resistant shutters or shades instead of drapes that can easily catch on fire.
  • Have an adequate water supply handy for fire fighting. You can do a number of things such as installing a water tank and water pump, buying a pool pump or storing extra trash cans filled with water. You may also consider buying a fire hose as regular garden hoses may not be enough to battle high blazes or able to withstand extreme temperatures.
  • Make sure there are accessible roads to your home. Your driveway should be at least 15 feet wide and have enough turnaround space for emergency vehicles.

Steps You Can Take To Be Fire Safe At Home


Steps You Can Take To Be Fire Safe At Home

Your first as well as most effective defense against wildfire is to create a fire safe landscape of at least 30-to-100 feet perimeter around your home. You can do this by removing flammable vegetation, spacing trees and shrubs at least 10 feet apart, clearing away dead leaves on your roof, as well as your rain gutters, and dry brush around your home.

In addition to creating a defensible space, you may want to consider the plants and trees in your garden as a type of fire defense. Junipers and eucalyptus trees, commonly used around homes, are extremely flammable. On the other hand, rose geraniums, ice plants and white rockrose withstood high temperatures for prolonged periods without igniting.

Check with your fire department or local nursery to determine which fire-resistive plants are adapted to the climate in your area. In general, fire-resistive plants grow close to the ground, have a low sap or resin content, grow without accumulating dead branches, needles or leaves and are easily maintained and pruned.

Steps You Can Take To Be Fire Safe

If a fire does threaten your home, the first few minutes are the most critical for saving it. The following steps give firefighters a better chance of finding and protecting your home.

  • Ensure that street signs and home address are clearly visible.
  • Be sure that the road access can accommodate large emergency vehicles. All roads should have turnaround areas large enough for fire equipment.
  • If you have a swimming pool, be prepared to use it as a fire-fighting tool by purchasing and learning how to use a pool pump.

Your roof is the most vulnerable part of your house because it can easily catch fire from the wind-blown sparks of a wildfire. Build or re-roof with fire resistive or noncombustible materials. Your local fire department can provide specific roofing guidelines in your area.

In addition to ensuring that the outside of your home is fire safe, it’s important to take steps inside as well. More than 50 percent of fatal residential fires occur at night when people are sleeping. Smoke detectors have saved many lives, and could save yours. Install smoke detectors on every level of your home and position them on the ceiling just outside each bedroom.

Plan Ahead

Also, plan and practice an escape route with all family members. Fire can spread very rapidly. Even with an early warning from smoke detectors, escaping a fire can be difficult. The following steps can help you plan your escape:

  • Draw a floor plan of your home and mark all possible escape routes.
  • Prepare a list of valuables to take with you in an emergency.
  • Remind everyone to close doors behind them as they evacuate the house to slow down the spread of fire, smoke and heat.
  • Decide on an outside meeting place to gather your family together and to make sure everyone is out and accounted for.
  • Conduct regular home fire drills. You may be blinded or hampered by smoke, so try practicing your escape plan with your eyes closed.


Be on the lookout for anything that could start a fire.

Watch out for:

  • Matches and lighters
  • Old and worn-out electrical cords
  • Too many cords in a wall socket
  • Candles burning in an empty room
  • Clothes and blankets near space heaters and on hot lamps


Here are additional posts from this site regarding FIRE SAFETY:

Fire Safety At Home – Reminder Chart

Wildfire Dangers: What You Can Do To Reduce The Risk

How To Prepare Your Own Emergency Survival Kit

emergency-circle-logoIt’s always a good idea to be prepared ahead of time in the event of an emergency or disaster. Hopefully it is something you will never need but it’s an excellent idea to be prepared and have supplies ready ahead of time. We see, hear or read the news daily about fires (especially this time of year), storms, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc. Just about every part of North America as well as many other countries around the world are susceptible to natural disasters of some type. Others are prone to human-caused disasters such as fire and vehicle-related. You just may want to take heed ahead of time and keep an emergency supply or survival kit nearby or close at hand. And the do-it-yourself kind is the way to go. Let this checklist below be a guide for you. Print it out and keep it handy. Use it to put together a kit for yourself and family.  Feel free to customize it to your families own personal needs.

The most important thing is to plan ahead

and start assembling these items NOW!

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money, and I would really NOT recommend buying the ready-made or pre-packed kits from a store.  You can easily put together your own kit with better quality items.  A large number of these items can be found around the house if you look for them. Another idea, if you already own a vacuum-sealer (such as a Food Saver), you can even seal clothing to make sure they stay dry.


– Do-It-Yourself Checklist –

Emergency & Disaster Supply Kit

__ Water – at least 1 gallon per day / per person for approximately 3 to 7 days

__ Food – at least enough for approximately 3 to 7 days

__ non-perishable packaged or canned food

__ non-perishable packaged or canned juices

__ specialty foods for infants or the elderly (if applicable)

__ snack foods (chips, crackers, apples, oranges, energy bars, etc)

__ Utensilsemergency_items

__ non-electric can opener

__ cooking tools

__ portable camping stove and fuel

__ paper plates

__ plastic utensils

__ extra ziplock or sealable bags

__ extra garbage/trash bags (medium or large)

__ aluminum foil

__ twist ties, rubber bands, etc.

__ duct tape

__ bucket(s)

__ Swiss Army Knife / multi-purpose pocket knife

__ Lighter / Matches / Flint and Steel

__ Sleeping Gear

__ Blankets

__ Pillows

__ Sleeping Bags

__ Clothing – season appropriate

__ complete change of clothing (2-3 changes per person)

__ rain gear (if applicable)

__ sturdy shoes

__ First Aid Kit (new or fully stocked)

__ Medicines / Prescription Drugs (if applicable)

__ Specialty Items – for babies and the elderly (if applicable)

__ Toiletries / Hygiene items (include dental floss for multi-purpose use)

__ dental needs

__ hand sanitizer or moisture wipes

__ towels & washcloths

__ toilet paper

__ tissue paper

__ paper towels

__ Flashlight / Batteries

__ Portable Lantern

__ Light Sticks or Glow sticks

__ RadioHand-cranked or Battery operated + NOAA weather radio (if possible)

__ Phones

__ fully charged cell phone with extra battery

__ traditional (not cordless) telephone set

__ Cash (with some small bills)

__ Credit Cards – Keep in mind that Banks and ATM’s may not be available for extended periods

__ Keys

__ Toys, Books and Games (age appropriate)

__ paper, drawing pads, pencils, pens, crayons, etc.

__ Important Documents – in a waterproof container or watertight resealable plastic bag

__ Insurance information

__ Medical records

__ Bank account numbers

__ Social Security card

__ Drivers License/ID Card

__ Personal phone book of family, relatives, friends, work associates, etc.

__ Tools – you should keep a set in your vehicle

__ foldable shovel, axe, hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, etc.

__ rope

__ Vehicle Fuel Tanks Filled

__ Pet care items (if applicable)

__ proper identification / immunization records / medication

__ ample supply of food and water

__ a carrier or cage

__ muzzle and leash


and in conclusion….. just as a thought…..



